International Cooperative Engagement Program for Polar Research (ICE PPR) U.S. Situational Awareness Working Group (USSAWG). Appointed by the Chief of Naval Research, the Ted Stevens Center Sr Advisor for Arctic Security Affairs leads the USAWG for ICE-PPR in support of the Office of Naval Research. The ICE-PPR is a Multi-lateral framework to enable Mil-Mil and Mil-GOV RDT&E cooperation. Overarching framework agreement, led by an Executive Steering Council, with the ability to:–Establish Working Groups using Terms of Reference (TOR), for the purpose of harmonizing requirements to enable potential cooperative projects–Permit the exchange of RDT&E information and the establishment of Project Arrangements (PAs) with at least two of the nations–Enable Cooperative Project Personnel (CPP) and Equipment & Materiel Transfer Agreements (E&MTA)–Identify opportunities for Experimentation, Demonstration, Exercises (EDE). This effort seeks to enable easier transition of basic research to more applied research carried out by governments, academia, industry partners, etc.

The Focus on Cooperative Projects Agreements (PAs), Personnel Exchange and Demonstrations–More emphasis on activities and contributions than information exchange. Partners include ALL GovAgencies, Academia, Industry Partners Participants include Canada, Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, Norway, U.S. and Sweden.

The materials contained below is organized to provide meeting agendas, briefings, working group details, overall papers and supplemental information.

