Journal of Arctic Security

This edition marks a starting point for the Center as we embark on our mission to educate practitioners, analyze matters of Arctic security, inform decision makers, and engage Allies and partners about the region, across the region. Our nascent Center joins the field of Indigenous Peoples of the Arctic groups, scholars, and security professionals at home and abroad who are concerned about challenges and risks across the High North, while also seeing opportunities to improve the overall security equation. This first edition represents a limited glimpse at the field of study as it stands today.

In this issue, we chose to include articles representing a broad set of viewpoints. Senior leader reflections offer strategic context to growing Arctic security challenges. Perspectives on policy, strategy, and history offer a snapshot in time for Arctic experts and also serve as a primer for readers who are Arctic-curious. Submissions from Indigenous Peoples of the Arctic as well as Allies and partners represent our commitment to a diverse and networked approach to support broad and multidisciplined Arctic and regionally oriented security. Finally, articles written by and for operators embody our goal of linking strategy to the realities of operating in the harsh Arctic environment.

Journal of Arctic Security
Ted Stevens Center

Call for Submissions!

Article deadline on 31 May 2025 for Volume 4

Article deadline on 1 October 2025 for Volume 5

A Special STEM Edition!

The cover image for the Journal of Arctic and Climate Security Studies (JACSS) writer's guide.

The Writer’s Guide is the go-to resource for authors who wish to contribute to The Journal of Arctic Security (JAS). The guide provides a brief overview of the specific formatting requirements and steps essential for publication in JAS.

For any additional questions please submit inquiries to the editorial staff at:
