Norwegian-American Bernt Balchen’s Arctic aviation expertise, innovative approaches to Arctic challenges, and development of successful Arctic search and rescue procedures significantly advanced Arctic security, Arctic aviation safety and Arctic operations from the 1920s through the 1960s. This contribution rested on Bernt’s pursuit of both formal and experiential learning and training, his keen observation skills, analytical approach and applied solutions to problems, his successful partnerships and engagement with an international array of aviation and Arctic enthusiasts as well as the general public, and his continuous passion for the Arctic, cherishing its beauty, respecting its challenges and envisioning its potential. The newest Department of Defense Regional Security Center, the Ted Stevens Center for Arctic Security Studies, shares Bernt’s passion for the Arctic. Through education and training, research and analysis and engagement and partnership, TSC leverages soft power to promote a secure, stable and peaceful, and prosperous Arctic. Examining Bernt Balchen’s legacy provides a useful reflection that helps to contextualize the relevance of TSC in addressing contemporary and future Arctic security issues.