What do we defend? Why should we defend it? How can we defend it? The future of defence of the North American Arctic begins with asking these three strategic questions and ends with searching for possible answers. This article is the culmination of over 30 years of...
Health is one of the seven areas identified by the UN Development Program (UNDP) as a critical pillar of human security. The human security mindset of health is focused on addressing the root causes of insecurities and strengthening local capacities. Conventional...
Evolution is inevitable – whether it be technology, economic development, weapons systems, geopolitics, or international agreements. It is increasingly clear that the Arctic region is facing an accelerated evolutionary trend that is dramatically impacting the security...
Norwegian-American Bernt Balchen’s Arctic aviation expertise, innovative approaches to Arctic challenges, and development of successful Arctic search and rescue procedures significantly advanced Arctic security, Arctic aviation safety and Arctic operations from the...
On December 19, 2023, the United States Department of State announced the US claim defining the outer limits of the continental shelf in areas beyond 200 nautical miles from its coast. This extended continental shelf claim mostly concerns seabed and subsoil in the...