Innovate • Experiment • Educate • Analyze • Engage



Advance a network of civilian and military practitioners promoting understanding and providing collaborative security solutions for the Arctic region.


Build strong, sustainable, domestic, and international networks of security leaders and promote and conduct focused research on Arctic security to advance DoD security priorities in the Arctic region.


Prepare civilian and military security practitioners, propose useful solutions, and enhance people networks to ensure a stable, rules-based order in the Arctic that will benefit the United States and nations across the Arctic.

Our Guiding Principles

At our core, we are dedicated to embracing innovation and striving for excellence in Arctic defense education. We are deeply committed to conducting practitioner-relevant research and fostering collaborations with America’s Arctic security Allies and partners. Through our unwavering commitment, we aim to make a positive impact in the realm of Arctic security and contribute to the collective well-being of our region and beyond.

Journal of Arctic and Climate Security Studies

Ted Stevens Center

Call for Submissions!

Article deadline in 31 December 2024 for Volume 4

Article deadline in 30 April 2025 for Volume 5

A Special STEM Edition!

A witness to history: My year serving at the Department of Defense’s newest Regional Center

Editor’s note for op-ed: Joel Kopp was the Associate Director for National & Arctic Interest...

US Ambassador to Canada engages with emerging leaders

The Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (DKI APCSS), the Ted Stevens Center...

Dr. Haliehana Stepetin receives Nmitqǝn Award for Outstanding Early Career Indigenous Scholar

Earlier this summer, Dr. Haliehana Stepetin, Assistant Professor for the School of Arctic and...

The North American Arctic: Linchpin on the global stage

Editor’s note for op-ed: Dr. Kathryn Friedman is the North American Arctic Policy Advisor for the...

Celebrating 75 years of NATO

  April 4, 2024, marks the 75th anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. This...

TSC’s Arctic Fellowship program prepares future leaders for Arctic challenges and opportunities

In its inaugural year, the Ted Stevens Center’s Arctic Fellowship program is aimed at cultivating...

Deputy director Craig Fleener: a career of Arctic service

Born and raised eight miles north of the Arctic Circle in Fort Yukon, Alaska, Criag Fleener has...

TSC launches Women, Peace, and Security program

March is Women’s History Month. The Department of Defense theme for the observance is, “Women Who...

Forging Arctic collaboration: Ted Stevens Center makes debut at ICE CAMP 2024

In a bold stride towards Arctic collaboration, the Ted Stevens Center for Arctic Security Studies...

NATO’s welcome enlargement in the North

Editor’s note: This op-ed was written by Dr. Matthew Rhodes is a professor at Ted Stevens Center...

Mission Pillars

TSC activities encompass education and training programs, seminars, conferences, and other activities, as well as research and analysis projects to further strategic foresight relating to Arctic security affairs.

Executive Education

To accomplish the vision of creating a stellar executive education program, the TSC is underway in coordination with government and civilian institutions to proactively identify the influences climate change, emerging technologies, and shifting international relations will have on the Arctic and how they will impact U.S. national security interests.

Strategic Engagement

In coordination with the other mission components of the TSC, the team plans, organizes, executes, and reports on workshops, simulations/exercises, field programs, symposia, and seminars that bring together Arctic and climate security leaders, subject matter experts, and associated collaborators to advance and promote Arctic security. TSC activities encompass education and training programs, seminars, conferences, and other activities, as well as research and analysis projects to further strategic foresight relating to Arctic security affairs.

Research & Analysis

To organize, execute, and report on research and analysis in support of OSD(Policy), USNORTHCOM, other Combatant Commands, and military service mission needs. Research and Analysis will be conducted in unclassified and classified domains. TSC-conducted research and analysis is published to support advancing Arctic and climate security awareness, consistent with the overall mission of the center and in compliance with higher level guidance.

Mission Support

As the critical enabler of the TSC mission areas of research & analysis, executive education, and Strategic Engagement programs and activities, a consolidated “support function”. TSC activities encompass education and training programs, seminars, conferences, and other activities, as well as research and analysis projects to further strategic foresight relating to Arctic security affairs.

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